That is why the hook of women’s bra is behind .

The bra is a very important thing for women. If this particular underwear is not comfortable (of the right size and quality), various problems including back pain, breast fat problems, tenderness, sweating problems, and skin problems occur. As a result, everything from the fabric to the design of the bra is emphasized to make it comfortable.

Although bras are the most used underwear for women, many people do not know why bras have three hooks, why bras have a ‘bow’ design at the front, or why most bras have hooks at the back.

Although bras with front hooks are available in the market today, if we talk about the original design, then most of the bras are of back hook design. The question in many minds may be, what is the reason for such a design? There are not one or two, but five reasons behind this.

* To provide proper support: The first and foremost reason is that these types of bras provide very good support to the breasts. Due to such a design, the breast is slightly raised and straight. This is very convenient because of the support on the back. This is why the hook is placed backward. If all bra hooks are in the front, those with heavy breasts will have problems and feel uncomfortable. In addition, those who have a large gap between the breasts may also be bothered by the front hook.

* For larger bands: The bra hooks are placed at the back so that the larger band can be placed on the bra. If it is on the front, then in most cases, the three-layer band is thin and has a hook. More hooks for support in the front would make it uncomfortable to wear.

* For good back support: Along with breast support, back support is very important. A bra should be worn that provides good support to both the chest and back. This advantage is available if the hook is on the backside. Such bras are also best for improving posture. Bras can also prevent sagging shoulders to a large extent.

* For convenience of fitting: If the hook of the bra is at the back, it is convenient for women with heavy breasts to fit this type of bra. A hook design in the front may not adjust well for bra fitting. On the other hand, backside hook facility bras have multiple hooks with three layers, which is good for fitting.

* Sustainable benefits: Finally, the most important thing. Bras with such designs are durable even after many washes. On the other hand, bras with hooks in the front loosen quickly, so care must be taken when washing. Because if it becomes loose it is not suitable to wear. This is why the bra hook is placed at the back and is more convenient.

But that doesn’t mean that bras with front hook designs aren’t good at all. This design also has several advantages. For example: Back does not get scared. Besides, this type of bra goes better with a neckline or V-neck dress. But if it comes to all-day use, then it may be better to wear a bra with a hook design at the back.

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