Diseases that can be caused by eating stale rice .

Rice will be on the daily food list of Bengalis! And many times the leftover rice after eating the rice is kept to be eaten again later.
Many people deliberately cook more rice so that they don’t have to cook it again later. In addition, working people often do not have the opportunity to spend much time cooking. So many people cook it one day and keep it in the fridge for several days.

Cook rice in the morning and eat it hot at night. But it is definitely harmful to health.

We should remember that not only hot rice should be eaten, but fresh rice should be eaten. Such information has been reported by a study by Britain’s “Food Standards Agency”.

Leftover rice from the previous day is eaten hot the next day in many households. After cooking rice, if it is not stored properly at the right temperature, bacteria called ‘Bacillus cereus’ grows in it. The disease caused by this bacterial infection is known as ‘Fried Rice Syndrome’. Food poisoning and death. Such incidents are not new.

Doctors say that salmonella bacteria from raw or undercooked fish, eggs meat, unboiled milk, or dairy products can cause infection with bacteria such as listeria. But many people may not know that a food that common people have to eat almost every day, can cause bacterial infection.

Keith R. Schneider, a professor and researcher in the Department of Food Safety at the University of Florida, said that Bacillus cereus is a group of bacteria that is difficult to destroy. Such bacteria become active again when cooking at the right temperature. Not only that, the number continues to grow at a rapid pace. The problem starts as a result of the toxins released by the bacteria when it passes through the food into the stomach. However, Keith says, that if the food is stored in the right way, keeping it at the right temperature, it is possible to control the spread of such bacteria to some extent. Even if the food is well heated or boiled, this bacteria cannot be completely killed.

Symptoms of bacterial invasion

Vomiting: A person suffering from fried rice syndrome may experience repeated bouts of vomiting within 1 to 6 hours. Infected in any way from stale rice or food made from rice will cause vomiting.

Diarrhea: After entering the body, the bacterium Bacillus cereus makes its home in the person’s gastrointestinal tract. There begins the poisoning. As a result, the infection also starts in the intestines. The patient has several watery stools.

Abdominal pain: Due to excessive vomiting and bowel movements, water leaves the body. The body becomes dehydrated due to lack of water. Abdominal muscles rapidly contract and expand causing pain. Some people also experience pain all over their body.

Ways to avoid bacterial infections

Leftover food should not be left out for long. This type of bacteria thrives especially in wet weather and normal temperature. At the same time, their poisonous power also increases.

Many eat rice at noon and keep it in a rice bowl. Many also heat the pot if it is microwave-proof. However, scientists say it is best to use glass, airtight containers to keep food safe. Before refrigerating the cooked rice, it is important to check that it has come to normal temperature.

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