How to understand panic attack or heart attack.

Both panic attacks and heart attacks can happen suddenly to anyone. For this reason, it is important for everyone to be careful and know the correct information about these two things to save their lives and the lives of others.

The symptoms of panic attack and heart attack are almost the same. Common symptoms in both cases include chest pain, shortness of breath, sweating, and feelings of dread. But there are other signs that can tell the difference between a heart attack and a panic attack if you are a little careful.

Heart attack symptoms:

* Chest pain continues to increase, becoming more severe within minutes.

* Chest heaviness spreads throughout the chest.

* Pain from the chest spreads to other parts of the body – arms, abdomen, back, shoulders, neck, and jaw.

* Chest pain during physical exertion.

* Shortness of breath.

Symptoms of panic attack:

* Chest palpitations.

* Chest pain, which lasts 5-10 seconds.

* The pain seems to be fixed in one place.

* Pain is usually felt to be more residual.

* Pain is accompanied by anxiety.

* Pain is weakened by changing position.

* Pain increases or recurs when pressure is applied to the painful area.

Besides panic and heart attack there are some other symptoms. Although the symptoms are similar in both cases, heart attack is a serious physical illness and panic attack is a mental illness. Panic attacks can occur during sleep or while awake.

Many people suffer from panic attacks thinking that they are going to have a heart attack or stroke. Once a panic attack occurs, many fear or worry about the timing and consequences of the next attack. As a result, normal life is disrupted. Performance decreases with confidence. This problem can be completely cured with proper treatment.

If you do not know whether you are having a panic attack or a heart attack, you should seek medical help quickly.

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