How to bleach at home?

I understand that you’re interested in learning about bleaching at home. However, it’s important to note that bleaching can have potentially harmful effects if not done correctly. It’s recommended to consult a professional hairstylist or colorist for best results and to minimize the risk of damage to your hair or scalp. If you still wish to proceed with bleaching at home, here are some general guidelines to follow:

  1. Gather the necessary supplies: You’ll need a hair bleach kit, which typically includes powdered bleach, developer, gloves, and an applicator brush. You can find these kits at beauty supply stores or online.
  2. Choose the right strength: Bleach comes in different strengths, usually labeled as volumes (e.g., 20 volume, 30 volume). Lower volumes are milder and recommended for lightening hair by a few shades, while higher volumes are stronger and can lift hair more significantly. Select the appropriate volume based on your desired result and hair condition.
  3. Prepare your workspace: Find a well-ventilated area with good lighting and cover the surface with newspaper or an old towel to protect it from any potential spills or stains.
  4. Protect your skin and clothing: Wear an old shirt or use a cape to protect your clothing. Apply petroleum jelly or a thick moisturizer along your hairline, ears, and neck to create a barrier between your skin and the bleach.
  5. Mix the bleach: Follow the instructions provided in the bleach kit to mix the powdered bleach and developer. Typically, you’ll need to mix them in a non-metallic bowl until you achieve a smooth, creamy consistency.
  6. Apply the bleach: Section your hair into manageable parts and use the applicator brush to apply the bleach to your hair, starting from the ends and working your way up towards the roots. Avoid applying the bleach directly to your scalp.
  7. Monitor the processing time: The processing time will depend on the instructions provided with your bleach kit and the desired level of lightening. Keep a close eye on your hair to avoid over-processing, which can lead to damage. If your hair starts to feel excessively dry or appears lighter than desired, rinse out the bleach immediately.
  8. Rinse and condition: Once the desired level of lightening is achieved, rinse your hair thoroughly with lukewarm water to remove all traces of bleach. Follow up with a deep conditioner to replenish moisture and nourish your hair.

Remember, bleaching can be a complex process, and it’s essential to take caution and be mindful of the health of your hair. If you have any doubts or concerns, it’s strongly recommended to seek professional assistance to ensure the best possible outcome.

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